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Visiting an Inmate

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Visitors play an important role in an inmate’s successful re-entry into the community. We aim to make your visit to a state facility helpful and secure.

We also provide video visitation opportunities in partnership with Assisting Families of Inmates (AFOI), an independent organization that offers services to family members of inmates.

You can find full details on our visitation policy in Operating Procedure 851.1.

Visitation Updates

Facility Updates

Sussex I State Prison

All visitation (in-person and video) is canceled for HU-4B until further notice.

Wallens Ridge State Prison

All visitation (in-person and Video) is canceled for A-6, B-2, B-4, B-6, and C-2 pods through Monday, March 10, 2025.

General Updates

Effective June 1, 2023, inmates will no longer be required to complete and submit an Inmate Visiting List to their counselor in January and July. Visitors are no longer required to be on an inmate’s approved visiting list to be approved for in-person visitation. All other requirements for visitation still apply. Instructions for visiting an inmate are detailed in the following section.

Update: March 27, 2024

The Department is aware that some visitors are unable to schedule video visits through the ViaPath mobile app. ViaPath is aware of the issue and is working on a solution. Until resolved, visitors are encouraged to schedule their video visits through the ViaPath website,, from a laptop or desktop computer.

How it Works

  • Apply for Visitation

    Submit a visitation application online if you are a new visitor or renewing your visitation privileges.

    Renew Visitation Privileges

    All visitor applications expire three years after the approval date. Submit a new, updated visitor application online at least 45 days before expiration for in-state visitors and 90 days before expiration for out-of-state visitors to continue uninterrupted visitation privileges.

    Child Applications

    Just like adult visitors, minor visitors must be approved and registered for visitation. If you would like to apply for a minor to visit an inmate, you must attach their application to an adult application.

    Complete the online visitation application and follow the prompts to add a minor. You can add more than one minor to your application.

    Minors must be accompanied by their parent, legal guardian, or an accompany adult who is an approved visitor. Minors who are immediate family, only will be approved for contact visits. The adult visitor must present the completed Notarized Statement or a copy of the Court Order every time they bring the minor to visit. Minor Visitor Notarized Statement

    Who You Can Visit

    You will only be able to visit multiple inmates if they are your immediate family members.According to Operating Procedure 851.1, immediate family members include the inmate's: parents, step parents, grandparents, lawful spouse, biological, step or legally adopted children, and biological, half, step, or legally adopted siblings. The corrections operations administrator decides on appeals regarding an individual’s status as immediate family. Visitors are limited to visiting one inmate that is not an immediate family member.Non-immediate family members include: fiancés, girlfriends, boyfriends, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, in-laws, and neighbors.

    Application Assistance

    If you need help completing an application to visit an inmate, we encourage you to contact Assisting Families of Inmates (AFOI). They do not have access to information regarding your application once it has been submitted. For application status information, please contact our staff.

  • Schedule a Visit

    Once you receive approval to visit an inmate in a VADOC facility, you must schedule your visit online using the Visitation Scheduler. If you are a new user, you must first register using the “Register Today” option.

    After you have submitted your registration, you will receive a notification that your request is "waiting for approval." You will then receive an email within three working days to determine if your request has been approved.

    Once approved, you may select an available date and time to visit an inmate. Visits may be scheduled up to 14 days in advance. Visitors are permitted a maximum of one visit per weekend.

  • Prepare for Your Scheduled Visit

    Once you have both applied for visitation and scheduled your visit, please review the following information to help you prepare for your in-person visit.

    Plan Ahead

    Please arrive at the facility one hour prior to your visit for security screening. No food or drinks will be allowed in the facility, and there will be no access to vending machines.

    What to Bring

    You will need to bring at least one form of valid picture identification that matches the information on your application. Acceptable forms of ID include:

    • Driver’s License
    • Passport
      (Only for those who do not reside in the United States)
    • Military ID
    • Other official picture ID issued by a federal or state agency

    Dress Code

    All visitors, including children, will need to follow the dress code when visiting an inmate. Please adhere to the following guidelines when visiting a facility:

    Attire must cover from the neck to the kneecaps, include appropriate underwear, and footwear must be worn at all times.

    Attire must not be inappropriate in any way,This includes: tube tops, tank tops, or halter tops; clothes that expose your midriff, side, or back; mini-skirts, mini-dresses, shorts, skorts, or culottes (at or above the kneecap); form-fitting clothes like leotards, spandex, and leggings; see-through clothing; tops or dresses that have revealing necklines and/or excessive splits; clothing resembling offender clothing. contain symbols or signs with inappropriate language or graphics.This includes gang symbols, racist comments, inflammatory communications, etc. Watches and all wearable technology are prohibited (including Google Glasses).

    If your wardrobe is considered inappropriate, you will be referred to the administrative duty officer. The officer will then make the final decision on whether you are allowed to enter the visiting room.

    Visiting with Minor Children

    The VADOC has developed a child-friendly short video to help prepare families for a productive visit. If you are visiting with a minor child, the following video will help prepare your child for what to expect during the visit – VADOC Visitation Reminders.

General Visitation Information

Facility Visitation Schedule

All institutions typically allow visiting on Saturdays, Sundays, and state holidays. However, visitation procedures at individual institutions may vary and can be changed at any time. Please contact the facility directly before planning a visit to obtain further information.

Find contact information in our facility directory.

Please note that the officially recognized Virginia state holidays are listed as follows:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • George Washington Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Columbus Day & Yorktown Victory Day
  • Election Day
  • Veterans Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Day After Thanksgiving
  • Christmas


We provide reasonable accommodation during visitation for those who are disabled. If you have a mobility impairment, please contact the facility before visiting to ensure accommodations are in place.

Service or guide animals may be permitted in the visitation area based on specific circumstances. Please submit a request to the facility to receive proper approval before your visit.

You can find more information in Operating Procedure 851.1.

Visitors with Medical Conditions

If you are pregnant or have a medical condition that prohibits you from going through the electronic scanning device on the day of your scheduled visit, you will need to bring documentation from your medical provider. The documentation must confirm that you are unable to pass through the electronic scanning device due to your condition. An alternate search procedure will be offered to you.

For visitors needing accommodation to enter a VADOC facility with medication, you must obtain a doctor's note indicating that the medication must be maintained on your person. At least one week prior to the scheduled visit, you must contact the Facility Unit Head or designee to gain approval to enter the facility with medication.

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