Operating Procedures
Every month, all operating procedures will be processed for updates and made available here. All documents are in PDF format.
Some operating procedures are not available on our website and include the notation, "Procedure not available online." To obtain copies of these documents, please refer to our FOIA page for more information.
Operating Procedure Categories
Administration and Organization
Procedure development, VADOC administration, correspondence, customer service
Community, Media, and Other Agency Relations
Research, interstate transfers, victim services, media relations, public access to VADOC, citizen involvement
Authority, Inspection, and Auditing
Audits and investigations, incident reporting, Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)
Litigation and dispute resolution
040.1 Litigation
Records and Information Management
Offender records management, employee records
Emergency Management
Emergency preparedness
Human Resources
Hiring, employee dress code, time utilization, expectations of employees, employee relations, benefits, staff development, separation of employees
102.4 Compensation
102.7 Employee Records
105.1 Employee Uniforms
110.3 Emergency Closings
110.5 Telework
135.1 Standards of Conduct
135.2 Rules of Conduct Governing Employees Relationships with Inmates and Probationers/Parolees
135.4 Alcohol and Drug Testing
135.5 Workplace Violence
135.6 Use of Social Media
145.1 Probationary Period
145.3 Equal Employment Opportunity, Anti-Harassment, and Workplace Civility
145.4 Employee Grievances
165.1 Professional Memberships
175.1 Employee Separations
Financial Management and Procurement
Budget, fiscal management and reporting, inventory, travel, payroll, procurement, risk management, grants
210.1 Internal Fiscal Controls
210.2 Cash Management
210.3 Accounts Receivable
220.1 Gifts and Donations
240.1 Travel
260.2 Surplus Property
261.3 Workers' Compensation
Infrastructure and Environmental Management
Maintenance, handling hazardous materials, environmental and sustainability plans
Information Technology management and security
General Services
VADOC emblems, vehicles, real estate property
Staff training
Facility Security and Control
Facility security
401.1 Development and Maintenance of Post Orders (Procedure not available online)
401.3 Administrative Duty Coverage (Procedure not available online)
410.3 Inmate and CCAP Probationer/Parolee Movement Control (Procedure not available online)
411.1 Inmate Transportation (Procedure not available online)
411.2 Inmate Exchange Points (Procedure not available online)
420.2 Use of Restraints and Management of Inmate Behavior (Procedure not available online)
425.1 Outside Work Assignments (Procedure not available online)
425.3 Inmate Use of Vehicles, Machinery, and Motorized Equipment
425.4 Management of Bed and Cell Assignments (Procedure not available online)
430.1 Armory Operation and Maintenance (Procedure not available online)
430.2 Tool, Culinary, and Medical Equipment Control (Procedure not available online)
430.3 Key Control and Locking Devices (Procedure not available online)
430.6 Body Worn Camera Equipment (Procedure not available online)
435.1 Special Operations Unit
435.2 Gang and Security Threat Group Identification and Tracking (Procedure not available online)
435.3 Canine Operations Unit
435.6 Electronic Security Unit Operations (Procedure not available online)
440.5 Work Center Security Management (Procedure not available online)
440.6 Community Corrections Facility Security Management (Procedure not available online)
445.3 Intensive Interdiction Operations (Procedure not available online)
445.4 Screenings and Searches of Persons (Procedure not available online)
Facility Services and Work
Food service manual and Virginia Correctional Enterprises
500.1 Food Services Manual — Menu Planning (Includes Therapeutic Diets)
500.1 Food Services Manual — Religious Diets and Special Menus
500.1 Food Services Manual — Food Preparation & Service of Meals
500.1 Food Services Manual — Control of Food Service Utensils, Equipment, Supplies, and Food
500.1 Food Services Manual — Inmate and CCAP Probationer/Parolee Training Programs
Educational Services
Academic and Career/Technical Education programs
Health Services & Mental Health and Wellness Services
Administration and provision of medical and mental health services
701.2 Health Services Continuous Quality Improvement Program
701.3 Health Records
720.5 Pharmacy Services
720.6 Dental Services
720.9 Psychiatric Services
730.1 MHWS: Administration
730.3 MHWS: Levels of Service
730.6 MHWS: Confidentiality
750.1 Advance Medical Directive and Durable Do Not Resuscitate Orders
750.2 Transplants
750.3 Prostheses
Inmate Management and Programs
Inmate property, classification, correspondence, programs, visitation, discipline, grievances
801.3 Managing Inmates and Probationers/Parolees with Disabilities
803.2 Publications, Commercially Distributed Photographs, and Media Files
820.1 Inmate Case Management
820.2 Inmate Re-entry Planning
830.3 Good Time Awards
830.7 Work Release Programs
841.1 Inmate Programs
841.2 Inmate Work Programs
841.3 Inmate and CCAP Probationer/Parolee Religious Programs
841.5 Inmate and CCAP Probationer/Parolee Substance Use Testing and Treatment Services
841.6 Recreation Programs
851.1 Visiting Privileges
851.2 Bereavement Visits
861.1 Inmate Discipline
864.1 Inmate and CCAP Probationer/Parolee Grooming and Hygiene
Supervision and Management in the Community
Probation and parole supervision