Out-of-State Incarceration & Supervision Requests
If your loved one is under state custody, they can potentially serve their sentence or fulfill their supervision plan in another state if they meet certain criteria. If you live in a state other than Virginia and would like to support their transfer, there are various ways to do so.
Interstate Corrections Compact
An inmate may request to serve their sentence in another jurisdiction’s correctional system if:
- They do not have any clear significant ties in Virginia
- The receiving state where they are requesting transfer to has an interstate compact with Virginia
- Their supervising authority believes transferring would better meet the inmate’s re-entry needs
If the inmate applies to transfer their sentence, you, as a family member living in another state, can send a Notarized Letter of Intent to the inmate's supervisory authority. This document will be attached to their application. It also shows their transfer will facilitate family contact and help them meet their re-entry needs.
Learn more about the Interstate Corrections Compact.
Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision
The Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS) is a nation-wide agreement that permits the transfer of supervision obligations from one state to another once they are released from court, jail, or prison.
The inmate/supervised individual must initiate the transfer application process through either their counselor (up to six months prior to release) or their probation and parole officer. The supervising authority must believe it would be in the best interest of the individual and public safety to transfer supervision.
As a family member or friend, you will only be contacted during this process if you have been specified as the person the supervised individual will be living with. If so, you may be consulted regarding the details of the transfer application.
Learn more about ICAOS.