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Transitional Women’s Work Release (TWWR)

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Transitional Women’s Work Release (TWWR)

Cognitive Program
  • description icon


    The TWWR Program consists of two phases of treatment. During Phase I or the Orientation Phase participants complete an assessment as a means to identify past problematic behaviors, severity of their addiction, and develop an individualized treatment plan. Group programming includes: Getting Motivated to Change, Job Readiness, Continuing Recovery/Care Planning and Relapse Prevention. During Phase II or the Worker's Education Phase, a suitability review is completed to determine if the participant is a candidate for community employment. During Phase II, participants are required to (if suitable) maintain community employment and participate in group programming with a continued focus on Continuing Recovery/Re-entry Planning, Relapse Prevention, Life Skills, Maintaining Healthy Relationships and Parenting Skills.

  • length of program icon

    Length of Program

    Three to 16 weeks

  • eligibility icon


    Participants that have completed a minimum of six months in a Therapeutic Community, have completed Phase II of Therapeutic Community, and have not received any infractions within the past year.

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    Locations Available

    Disclaimer: Program availability is subject to change. For the most up to date offerings, please contact facilities or offices directly.

    • State Farm Work Center

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