Agency News

Local Employer Conducts Mock Interviews at Buckingham Correctional Center
August 23, 2019
A local employer attended a career resource seminar held last spring at Buckingham Correctional Center. So impressed by the offenders he met, Casey Carwile of Design Electric in Charlottesville asked if he could return at a later date to learn more about the electricians course being offered at the facility.
Carwile, the personnel director for the company, returned in July to visit Instructor Brian Sykes’ class. The students displayed their hands-on projects and Carwile tested their knowledge of theory and electrical code. Afterwards, he conducted mock interviews with the students, all of whom plan to return to their communities in the next 12 months to two years. The entire class observed and analyzed the interviews, getting a glimpse of what an actual employer may be searching for when hiring an electrician.
“Everyone enjoyed Mr. Carwile’s visit, and I think he enjoyed it as well,” said Mr. Sykes. “We are working to get more events like these organized to help returning citizens reenter their communities successfully.”