Agency News

VADOC Engages with Youth for National Reading Month
March 21, 2024
Throughout March, Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC) facilities and probation and parole districts across the Commonwealth have engaged with children in their respective communities for National Reading Month. Staff has gone to local schools in their localities to read many of their favorite stories to students, leaving a lasting impression on children and local schools.
“I am so proud of our employees for taking the initiative to be involved in their communities,“ said VADOC Director Chad Dotson. “Reading is one of the best ways to interact with children and encourages strong habits that set them up for success both in the classroom and beyond.”
Below is a breakdown highlighting VADOC’s involvement in National Reading Month for each region:
Eastern Region
- Greensville Correctional Center: Staff read to students at Totaro Elementary School in Lawrenceville. They also donated to the school’s General Initiative Store, allowing students to purchase items for developmental growth. Greensville donated 17 bicycles to support the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) initiative for the third, fourth, and fifth-grade classes.
Central Region
- Lunenburg Correctional Center: Cognitive Counselor S. Whitehead volunteered to read to children in Charlotte County during Read Across America Week.
Western Region
- District 17, Abingdon Probation and Parole: Five probation officers read to students at Meadowview Elementary School in Washington County during Read Across America Week
- Pocahontas State Correctional Center: Warden Tikki Hicks and staff read to children at Abbs Valley-Boissevain Elementary School in Tazewell during Read Across America Week.