Agency News

VADOC Facilities and Districts Give Back for Thanksgiving
December 04, 2024
Facilities and Probation & Parole Districts from across the Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC) gave back to their communities both before and after Thanksgiving, demonstrating the Department’s giving spirit.
“Each Thanksgiving, our corrections team demonstrates the true spirit of giving and service to their communities,” said VADOC Director Chad Dotson. “The people who work at the Virginia Department of Corrections are fully committed both to the populations they serve and the communities they keep safe.”
A list of select VADOC outreach can be found below:
- Bland Correctional Center collected 115 pounds of food for Feeding Southwest Virginia.
- Red Onion State Prison assisted a local food bank in preparing food donations for the community.
- District 29, Fairfax Probation & Parole’s Community Service Committee purchased $190 worth of gift cards to local restaurants. These gift cards will be distributed to probationers who may need a quick meal during the holiday season. Additionally, two probationers who have shown outstanding progress and commitment to their rehabilitation this year will be nominated and selected to receive a $50 Walmart gift card each.
- Cathy White, an Admin and Office Specialist at Buckingham Correctional Center, and De'Von Shearn, the Recreation Supervisor at Dillwyn Correctional Center, teamed up to provide the Cumberland County Department of Social Services with a Thanksgiving meal for two families, including cakes.
- District 32, Henrico Probation & Parole selected two people to receive food packages in the district’s traditional Thanksgiving dinner giveaway.
- District 24, Farmville Probation & Parole, donated a complete Thanksgiving family dinner to be distributed at the Cumberland County Department of Social Services.
- Patrick Henry Correctional Unit packaged hams for distribution.
- The VADOC thanks probationers at Appalachian Community Corrections Alternative Program, who assisted Feeding America by packaging Thanksgiving meals for local families.
- District 6, Suffolk Probation & Parole, sponsored a food drive for families in need in the community. All food collected was donated to the Suffolk Christian Fellowship Center.
- Wallens Ridge State Prison donated funds and groceries to two Big Stone Gap families in need. Corrections team members personally delivered two meals of turkey, ham, various sides, and desserts to the homes.
The VADOC thanks all who gave back this Thanksgiving. The Department is heavily involved in communities across Virginia, while remaining dedicated to the mission of ensuring public safety by providing effective incarceration, supervision, and evidence-based reentry services.