Agency News

VADOC’s Green Rock Correctional Center Hosts TEDx Event, First of its Kind in Virginia Prison
May 08, 2024
More than two dozen speakers shared inspirational stories, music, and more at the TEDx GreenRockCorrectionalCenter on Tuesday, May 7 at Greek Rock Correctional Center in Chatham.
The event is the first of its kind in a Virginia prison and was hosted by the Virginia Department of Corrections, in partnership with Proximity for Justice.
Speakers included Delegate Rae Cousins, D-79th District, Pittsylvania County Sheriff Mike Taylor, VADOC Director Chad Dotson, First Piedmont Corporation Chairman and CEO Ben J. Davenport Jr., and several members of the Green Rock inmate population.
“I appreciate every speaker for their uplifting stories of hope and redemption that demonstrate the importance of second chances,” said Director Dotson, who spoke during his talk about lessons he learned from a Southwest Virginia drug court during his tenure as a commonwealth’s attorney and judge. “I thank Proximity for Justice Founder Delia Cohen and her organization for their partnership on this special project.”
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design. TED’s mission is to research and share meaningful new ideas through conferences. A TEDx event is independently organized and features short, carefully prepared talks. More information can be found on the TED website.
Proximity for Justice is a nonprofit that has organized several TEDx events at prisons across the United States, bringing leaders, victims, philanthropists, law enforcement and many more into prisons to encourage dialogue, forge connections, and inspire change. More information can be found on the Proximity for Justice website.
The VADOC will provide more information about where to stream the TEDx GreenRockCorrectionalCenter talks when videos are available.