Agency News

VADOC Announces Online Form for Employers to Request Federal Bond for Convicted Job Seekers
November 20, 2024
Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC) Director Chad Dotson today announced that the agency is continuing its commitment to successful reentry through the creation of an online form allowing employers to request a federal bond when hiring Virginians with a conviction.
This streamlined application process allows employers and referral agencies to initiate a bonding request with the VADOC’s Virginia Bonding Coordinator (VBC). The online form allows requestors to choose preferred callback dates and times from the VBC and provides a Request ID through an email confirmation once the form is completed.
The Federal Bonding Program provides businesses the opportunity to support previously incarcerated job seekers while protecting their assets. The Virginia Bonding Program is Virginia’s version of this initiative.
The Virginia Bonding Program can issue a $5,000 fidelity bond which provides insurance coverage for the first six months of employment for job seekers with convictions. This program is completely free for both employers and the employee and carries no deductible.
Employers can access the bond request form by following this link to the agency’s bonding page.
“The Virginia Department of Corrections is committed to providing opportunities for returning Virginians and making the hiring process as simple as possible for both employers and employees,” said Director Dotson. “This includes leveraging technology to streamline applications like the Virginia Bonding Program. I encourage employers to take advantage of these fidelity bonds, which enhance public safety by providing employment for those seeking a fresh start. I also thank all of our corrections team members involved in this process, from our Reentry and Workforce Development teams to our Information Technology Unit for creating this form.”
More information about the Virginia Bonding Program can be found on the VADOC website.