Agency News

VADOC Highlights Giving Efforts Across Virginia This Holiday Season
December 23, 2024
Facilities, probation & parole districts, and units across the Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC) have given back to their communities this holiday season, demonstrating the Department’s giving spirit.
“I could not be prouder of our employees across the Commonwealth,” said VADOC Director Chad Dotson. “The people at the Virginia Department of Corrections are fully committed both to the people they serve and the communities they reside in and keep safe. I wish them all a happy holiday season and thank them for their service to our agency and their communities”
A breakdown detailing many of the VADOC’s holiday activities for each of the agency’s regions can be found below:
Central Region
Baskerville Correctional Center donated toys, gifts, and bicycles to Meherrin-Powellton Elementary School in Brunswick County.
Beaumont Correctional Center facilitated a toy drive for those impacted by Helene in Southwest Virginia. Beaumont also held a food drive for the Goochland Cares Food Pantry.
Buckingham Correctional Center sponsored 26 Christmas Angels from the Buckingham County Department of Social Services. The Angels consisted of children, families, veterans, and disabled adults.
Central Virginia Correctional Unit 13 collected toy donations for Toys for Tots.
Chesterfield Women’s CCAP donated toys to a drive sponsored by District 16 in Norton, where the toys will be distributed to those affected by Helene.
Coffeewood Correctional Center partnered with the Fraternal Order of Eagles Culpeper #4551 for the Culpeper Christmas Basket Program, where the toys will be donated to a local child. Coffeewood also held a winter apparel drive, and the items will be delivered to Good Samaritan in Orange, and a holiday food drive. Staff also adopted five Senior Angels from Culpeper County Human Services’ Doris’s Senior Angel Program. The Doris’s Senior Angel Program identifies seniors in the community who are financially challenged and limited on resources for support.
District 1, Richmond Probation and Parole partnered with Liberation Family Services for their annual Elf Shop. Staff collected toys for more than 175 families.
District 8, South Boston Probation and Parole provided a full holiday meal to a family of three. District 8 also participated in Toys for Tots, collecting toys for 50 children.
District 21, Fredericksburg Probation and Parole collected toys, clothes, and gift cards to provide to a King George County family.
District 24, Farmville Probation and Parole stuffed stockings and donated them to children for the Salvation Army’s Fox Socks program. Staff also donated toys to Buckingham County Department of Social Services to be distributed to local children.
District 26, Culpeper Probation and Parole collected hats, gloves, scarves, and more for its probationers to take as needed. District 26 also adopted a family and elderly person this holiday season.
District 27, Chesterfield Probation & Parole handed out 300 Christmas Cards to residents with minimal or no family contacts in five assisted living facilities.
District 29, Fairfax Probation & Parole partnered with St. Mary of Sorrows Catholic Church to deliver holiday food baskets to probationers and their families. The partnership ensures everyone enjoys a special holiday meal with their loved ones, regardless of their circumstances.
District 35, Manassas Probation & Parole participated in the toy donation drive for those impacted by Helene. District 35 also partnered with Tummy-Yum Yum Gourmet Candy Apples to assist homeless female probationers who need hygiene products, clothing, food, and more.
District 36, Alexandria Probation & Parole donated gift cards to Alexandria’s Holiday Sharing Program, where the gift cards will go to children in foster care.
Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women held donation drives, collecting coats and food for a local homeless shelter. FCCW adopted a senior through the Fluvanna County Department of Social Services.
Halifax Correctional Unit’s staff have been helping serve food at Sinai Elementary School each week.
Lunenburg Correctional Center held a coat drive for Lunenburg’s Head Start Program and collected 37 coats for children. Staff also participated in the Angel Tree program and collected toys to be distributed to the Salvation Army and those in Southwest Virginia impacted by Helene.
Virginia Correctional Center for Women partnered with the Department of Social Services to help provide for a family.
Eastern Region
Deerfield Correctional Center donated items to Courtland Rehabilitation Center residents.
District 2, Norfolk Probation & Parole organized a toy drive for the ForKids non-profit organization.
District 5, Gloucester Probation & Parole donated gifts for children to the Middlesex County Department of Social Services’ Holiday Drive.
District 23, Virginia Beach Probation & Parole sponsored an Angel Tree through the Salvation Army with bicycles and other gifts.
District 34, Williamsburg Probation & Parole collected toys to donate to the New Kent Department of Social Services.
District 38, Emporia Probation & Parole donated non-perishable food items to Lawrenceville Methodist Church’s food bank.
District 42, Franklin Probation & Parole delivered gifts to the Southampton Department of Social Services as a part of the Southampton County Angel Tree Program.
Sussex I State Prison participated in the Angel Tree Program through the Sussex County Department of Social Services and provided gifts to 15 Christmas Angels.
Western Region
Appalachian Community Corrections Alternative Program participated in Shop with a Cop alongside the Buchanan County Sheriff’s Office. Children bought toys and gifts while being escorted by staff from Appalachian CCAP.
Cold Springs Correctional Unit #10 sponsored a coat drive for local shelters.
District 15, Roanoke Probation & Parole adopted three angels and provided gifts in a program organized by the Roanoke City Department of Social Services.
District 18, Norton Probation & Parole participated in the Lee County Shop with a Cop Program. District 18 also led a statewide VADOC effort to collect toys and delivered approximately 300 toys and gifts to the family of Johnia Berry. Berry was murdered in 2004 while wrapping Christmas gifts. Johnia’s mother, Joan Berry, established a toy drive in Johnia’s honor. The VADOC joined the Johnia Berry Memorial Toy Drive’s efforts for 2024. Toys were collected for Helene victims.
Marion Correctional Treatment Center sponsored 30 Christmas Angels from local schools.
Pocahontas State Correctional Center and the Western Region K-9 Unit donated gift bags to students at a local school. Gift bags contained hats, gloves, toys, blankets, and more.
Red Onion State Prison participated in Shop with a Cop alongside local law enforcement officers. Children bought toys and gifts while being escorted by staff from Red Onion. Red Onion also participated in the Angel Tree Program sponsored by the Dickenson County Department of Social Services, providing gifts and more to children and families in need.
Wallens Ridge State Prison adopted Christmas Angels through the Norton City Department of Social Services and donated numerous gifts. Wallens Ridge also donated $450 to the Wise County Foster Care Christmas Fund.
Wise Correctional Unit 18 teamed up with District 18, Norton Probation & Parole, Appalachian CCAP, and local Virginia Department of Transportation offices for a Holiday Food Bank Drive. Over 1,300 food items were collected and delivered to the Russell County Food Bank for distribution during the Holidays.