Agency News

VADOC Supports Crime Victims
April 10, 2024
Every April, the Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC) commemorates crime victims using thoughtful and creative strategies to raise awareness about the impact of crime on our communities. The VADOC Victim Services Unit strives to collaborate across the agency and with its community partners to provide information and training, trauma informed services, and resources to assist crime victims, while educating inmates and supervisees about the physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial impacts that crime has on victims.
To commemorate crime victims in 2024, the VADOC and its partners have organized a series of exciting events. All proceeds from the following events will go to the Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) and the Virginia Victim Assistance Network (VVAN) non-profit organizations.
Tazewell Motorcycle Ride Show of Support Event (Register)
(Sunday, April 14 at the Back of the Dragon Center, 524 West Main St., Tazewell, VA 24651)
The VADOC Victim Services Unit is co-hosting a community show of support fundraising motorcycle ride event with the VVAN, BACA, and The American Legion Riders. The goal of the event is to educate the public about local and statewide resources and programs available to crime victims and their support systems, and to raise awareness of the impacts of crime on children. This event is a great opportunity for more than 100 miles of riding to raise awareness about the damaging effects of child abuse. All vehicles are welcome. Kickstands go up and engines start at 12 p.m. There will be cash prizes for largest and smallest pull.
Salem Charity 9 Pin Bowling Show of Support Event (Register)
(Saturday, April 20 at 1 p.m. with registration starting at 11 a.m., Lee Hi Lanes, 1830 Apperson Dr., Salem, VA 24153)
Join the Victim Services Unit for some indoor fun to bring awareness to what homicide survivors experience across Virginia. The VADOC is partnering again with VVAN to provide education and awareness of homicide survivor issues. Whether you are an adult, child, a league bowler, or a novice, there is a spot for you to join in the fun of raising awareness while knocking down a few pins. Cash prizes will be awarded to winners.
Statewide – Support the Color ME Aware Campaign (Register)
Across Virginia, the VADOC will be commemorating crime victims by providing opportunities for individuals to learn about different crime types each day, while also hearing from crime victims as they share their stories virtually. Join us each day to hear a different story from a member of the Victim Services Unit’s speaker’s bureau. We will also be wearing a different color each day and submitting awareness photos to be shared on our social media pages with the hashtag #ColorMEAware. Join us in this fun engaging way to learn about the justice system in Virginia from the victim’s perspective. Join our virtual learning community at 2 pm each day April 22 to 26.
Radford 5K SOS Fun Run/Walk (Register)
(Saturday, April 27 at Bisset Park, 49 Berkley Williams Dr., Radford, VA 24141)
Closing out the National Crime Victims’ Rights Week observations is the VADOC’s final awareness event, the 4th Annual Radford 5K SOS Fun Run/Walk. Join us at Bisset Park in the heart of the New River Valley in Radford. Crime victim and community resource vendors will be present starting at 9 a.m. The run will begin at 10 a.m. Learn more about the Women’s Resource Center of the New River Valley, Radford/Floyd Victim Witness Program, and many other service providers. Those who are unable to attend in person and who would like to join virtually to show support of crime victims can also register online.